god proof

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G-d exict otherwise why is there good people?

You're it!

I think that if you want to believe in god that is fine I just wish that people would stop trying to push their religion off on me. Look if I don't want to believe I don't have to!!! Don't sit there and banish me just because I'm not like you!!! Religion could be a good thing if people lived it like they should. If god were alive today I am almost sure that he would be very disapointed in alot of his followers. I live my life the best that I can treating everyone fairly and giving respect to all the deserves it but then these Self rightous christians always tell me that I am going to hell because I dont believe. You know what, I would rather go to hell then because if people in heaven are anything like these people I don't even want to be there. If you do have faith in god, more power to you, but PLEASE treat people as god would have, give to charity, help animals, love each other.

I am a Jew living in the cold north of Canada, and one cold winter morning I woke up and there were lumps of coal in my shoes!! That day we made a fire, and heated up some water for a sponge bath for the first time in weeks. It was that day that I knew with a deep certainty that there is a God!!!!

God exists because butterflies don't bite or sting, and the way this world usually is, don't we have a reason to expect them to? God exists because wind through the trees and sunshine on the face feel good; they could burn. God exists because sugar is sweet, roses smell the way they do, and Baked Lay's Potato Chips were invented. Imagine life without Baked Lay's. Scary indeed. God exists and She is awesome. I dare you to say out loud in front of your computer, "God, are you really there?" and see if you don't hear something say YES immediately. It's scary but true.

pray pray and pray god if u want to achive anything in life. this is really practical. speak daily whay u want , write daily what u want to achive, even impossible things, health.. wealth.. anything...even doctors say only god can help ... i was sick and by doing above i rescued my life and the other desires which i wanted ever. only he can change the paths and circumstances and will then give that u r desirous of... believe me...else u try. thanks anita, email: accanita@yahoo.com

My baby was born with signs of cystic fybrosis..her formula passed through her body as soon as she drank it...she was digesting nothing. She was very ill...hardly ever woke up or made any noise. The drs were sure that she had it...for several reasons. Anyway we took her to get a test done to see if she had it..me and my best friend prayed over her in the waiting room..she immediatly changed...her eyes opened...she was wide awake and looked so much more healthy. needless to say the test was negative and she had no more problems after that day.. she was a very sick little girl...and the Lord saved her...he heard the crys of a mother desperately asking to have her baby healed whole...Praise God...how can u not beleive??????

god doesn't exist science says so

there is no fucking god would you ppl get that through your thick heads

I was swimming near a small tropical island in the South Pacific. The sun and moon were in that position that produces the highest tide for the year. Wearing facemasks and snorkels, I swam in through the mangroves with their endless web of twisted roots. At times I was almost trapped in the small openings through which I squeezed. I remember holding my breath and ducking under the roots, hoping to squeeze out the other side and get air again. Some of the roots looked like bloodied skinless arms with deformed stubs of hands groping for me, and others resembled monstrous unrooted arched 3-toed legs which slightly moved aside for me to pass, their movement supplied by the slight surge of the sea. From some unknown source on the ocean floor, pairs of flattened, shimmering, silvery bubbles wobbled upward to the undulating mirror-like surface above my head. I often had to turn on my side to wedge through the narrower passages. Hand over hand I pulled myselve deeper into the maze. It was in this strange setting, one that neither I, and probably few others, had ever experienced, that I received a message. The message came to me all of a sudden. No words. It was a whole package of information put into my mind. I thought, "that is strange, why am I thinking about such things?" That is what I now refer to as his first private revelation. It was hard for me to describe the strong feeling that came over me that day. While swimming back to shore, I prayed, "I think, dear God, you gave me a message, but why me? I pondered this unique experience constantly. Day and night it filled my mind. At last, I began to understand its meaning had to do with the fact that none of the founders of the great religions ever saw what I had seen of nature that day. Furthermore, I sensed that this was only the beginning, like the opening of some ancient portal, and that knowledge far more profound awaited me.
This message God was saying to me: Have kindly thoughts toward the founders of religions because they lived at a time when neither telescopes nor microscopes nor even magnifying glasses existed. They thus knew nothing of the vastness and age of the universe or of the infinite variety of microscopic life. They lacked the equipment to observe the boundless diversity of animal, fish and plant life under all the oceans. They believed the world was flat. They lived before the invention of printing. Their homes were in remote areas, often the desert with its hardship and meditative loneliness. Most of their early followers were illiterate and never traveled in a lifetime more than a day's walk from their village. Thus, everyone was unaware there were hundreds of thousands of animals, insects and plants. The idea of evolution never occurred to them. Nevertheless, all of those religions devised various explanations of creation, but without even suggesting that the first humans had animal ancestors.

Every time that I decide to just quit trying and leave it up to God, things always start happening...GOOD things!

God is the figurehead on the ship of life...no intervention just inspiration

This is God. i exist because i say so and some mistranslated book says so. Great readers, all of you. i am Santa Claus also, because i say so, and i am wearing the Shroud of Turin as a superhero cape because i can fly. i will give presents to all the good Christians but not the Jews, and i will put lumps of holy coal in the shoes of bad people and Muslims.

Maybe the harsh lessons in life we go though are his way of getting back at us for screwing up the perfect garden he created for us. Pushishment for betraying his love.

i am michael the archangel but i do not have a clue of what to do next.

To answer someone's posted question: "what is God's email/telephone number/address? Please post it." I have them. And so does everyone else. Just get on your knees and pray.

God is real mainly becuz he changed my life forever. I dont think there was no "man" that could change my life the way he did. He had the power to deliver my from drugs, bisexuality ... and lots of other stuff. but he did it like ONLY he could. and i thank God for that.

The proof of God is the word that He left us. Jesus said, "I am THE way THE truth and THE life, no man comes unto the Father except through me. It's easy. Just realize your a sinner. Then Repent or turn away for your sins. Believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that He died for all sins and rose again on the third day. Then just pray that God will save you and except Jesus as your Lord and Savior. That's it, your saved. Now go find a bible believing, God honoring church that preaches the word of God without watering it down.

Proof of God is not just faith. A power so great that not even every mind on earth thinking as hard as they can for a thousand years will ever bring a dim view of what God really is.

You know what? There really is a god. There must be, how else do miracles happen? I thought my life was over when I didn't get into the high school that I wanted, and everyone else did. I was going to be seperated from everthing good and everyone. Things couldn't have been worse. (I know this doesn't sound like a real crisis but trust me it is when you are only 14 and your life revolves around school and friends) But my parents kept fighting to get me in, and then, I don't know, but something happened, and I got a letter saying that I had gotten in to the school. Now everything is perfect!!!!

The world is proof enough that God is everywhere. Without God we humans would have destroyed ourselves long ago.


god is real because there is so much beauty in the world. did you ever look at a flower and see the amazing design of it! its as almost someone or something created it!

Beliefs are dangerous. Look at what believing in your fucking god got us. Death, poverty ... and the list goes on. I really think if you've ever "seen" god, you were probably high, or on crack. :] Believe in nothing but yourself.

i know that god exists, i can't say why, i just somehow know, "blind faith" i guess it's called, but my best freind doesn't. someone please help me! i need a way to save my friend!

I asked the goddess to grant my husband and I happiness forevermore. The next week I discovered I was pregnant. Later in the delivery room, we were having a very difficult birth and my baby was having a very scary time. I asked for mercy and a moment later she was with us. Now my daughter is the proof of god.

I know God exists because of BEAUTY. All religions draw from the exact same source of power,too. Did you know that? It's true.

i believe there is a god because someone great had to of created my mum

I was probably at one of the lowest most confusing times in my life. i was going to church, but truthfully, I don't know why, because inside i just wasn't sure there really was a God. I was even teaching suday school. Me teaching when i wasn't even sure of my own belief. I often envied people that lived on "Blind Faith". People that without hesitation, without proof just new there was a God. I have always been that person who needs the answer. Whether it was to my parents "just because I told u so", or the complex question of our creation. One question i could never get answered even by my religious leaders, was If God made us who made God? This plagued me. I felt guilty and confused because of my lack of "Blind Faith". In Novemeber of 1990 my father died. I was truly devastated for my loss, but relieved that he had been spared his long bout of suffering. i remember driving from the hospital alone. I kept saying over and over again. "Pops if there is a God, please show me proof. help me to believe. Give me something to believe in" His funeral came and went, i was feeling empty, and more unsure than before. then one night out of a deep sleep i awoke., I sat straight up in bed, and saw my dad ... he was surrounded by the brightest light, yet a light u could look at. it didn't hurt your eyes, or make u squint, it was luminous. We talked ... yes talked ... but truly as always i did more listening. We talked about my son, my mother ... and then he left as he turned away this unbeliveable presence following him, closing the gap of this light. My husband awoke, and a tear was streaming down my face, and he kissed my cheek and said "pop was here wasn't he". He too felt him there. Since then I have not seen my pop but have seen my grandmother ... she comes on occasion and i see her stroking my daughter's hair while she sleeps. No I am not John Edwards, I do not profess to seeing "Dead people" I do however know that there is a God, my faith was not blinded i needed to be shown. My pop knew that, and apparently!
so did God. When my kids ask me about the validity of God. I simply explain that there is a God. Trust me, and look around you for every day he is there in some way shape or form. And i tell them that the most powerful thing in life is "Blind Faith"

Long story short, I tried several times to commit suicide (toxic substances)-but the worst I got out of it was a sore stomach. And I met my sweet angel (girlfriend) online because He led me to her.

There is evidence of god's intervention in everything in our universe. If it were left up to chance we wouldn't have life. Plain and simple. Why does sex feel good? Why does food taste great? If it were just blind evolution why would stuff like that have to have a feeling or taste attached to it. It seems to me that someone up above was thinking about us. The fool had said in their heart there is no god. That is a very true and accurate statement, because the burden of proof is on the atheist, and not the one who believes in a divine creator. The atheist would have to know everything there is to know, to accurately say that there is no god, and since he/she would prove ignorance to every question in this universe, than ultimately they would have to at least tolerate the idea that a god could have existed outside their realm of thinking. The real argument shouldn't be whether which religion is right or what god you believe in, it should begin with first and foremost: Creation? or Evolution? And since no one has ever been able to prove evolution, in fact it is in reality only a theory, contrary what they teach you in schools, why are we even bothering with this webpage? It should be case-closed until proven otherwise which will never happen because humans will always prove ignorant, no matter how much technology we develop, we will still be limited in what we can do, and that's why we should believe in a god because obviously he cared about us enough to allow us to live, the least we can do is acknowledge the fact that he exists.

Just take a look at yourself and you will see Gods greatest creation. A brain that controls every part of your body ... amazing. A heart that beats and pumps blood through your body. Reproductive organs that are so complex no scientist could reproduce them. But the most amazing thing of all would have to be emotions. When you're upset, your eyes release little drops of water. When you're hot your body produces sweat to cool you down. There is a God and he is the most amazing and wonderful creator.

After believing the Son of God paid for my sins on the cross, I sought proof of Biblical events. I found them in science and archaeology, but became so accustomed to them that I stopped seeking proof, yet I still see God in my life and in other's lives daily.

Anyone here know God's address, email or tel. number? Please post it if you do!

Do you have any other proofs of god other than those based on emotion or an experience somone may have had, all based on feelings? A kid won a bingo game, so what? Someone *believes/thinks* the universe has been here forever, so that means there is a god?! There is no proof that the universe has/has not existed for all of eternity. Even if we had a good idea, there is no way we could prove it unless we were there. The whole Satan incident is a joke. I would be hearing stuff to if I thought about selling my soul to what some believe to be the master of everything that is evil. A guy had some chests pains...and...If god was so gracious why didn't he heal the pains all together...If god were so caring, why did he give the guy the pains in the first place...The name of your site is God-proof, but I'm just not seeing any kind of experience that could be considered proof. Is there any??? You could throw my e-mail address in as well. I want to get some kind of feedback: jwinro@c4.com

All the 'proofs' listed on this website are clearly nothing more than either statements of belief (not proof) or have psychological bases. Why are so many people so superstitious that they cannot accept that things just are? Why do they need to invent some creation myth to cope with the existence of life on earth?!

I know there is a God. His miracles happen around us everyday. We as mortal people take advantage of good things and never question why it is good. The minute something is out of order, what do we think? God, why is this happening to me? Did you ever think that our God challenges your faith? Is it only good when things are smooth? Ask yourself, if the good Lord is causing your pain or is the lack of faith causing you to blame Him instead of yourself.

Because God created a wonderful world of beauty. If you cut out mankind and its cruelty, look in to the heart and see the real beauty in a sunset, a sunrise, a simple flower. God created this world for mankind and look what we do? Thank you God xx.

I'm not sure if there's a god. Any god. But for me to somehow find the strength to pick myself up everytime I fall, and not get what I want often, but what I need always, I figure something is out there looking after me. And I am forced to question my lack of belief.

Because my life always seems to get on the right track when its a bit chaotic – even if I don't do anything differently. Because there is too much beauty in this world to believe creation was the work of particles coming together. Because when I'm scared, I think of *my* God and I feel safe. Maybe I don't have full proof though, and maybe I never will, and maybe that's how its supposed to be.

I have been experiencing terrible chest pains for about 3 months. With a new son and wife I was terrified of dying. So one night I asked God to please releive me of my pain. While I layed there praying a brilliant white light apeared into the room, and in it stood God. He didn't say anything he just held out his arms to me. I walked up and hugged him. At that time I felt more love than anything imaginable. The love filled my mind and body. I knew then at that moment that I am loved. The love I felt was absolute unconditional love, the love that only the creator can have for his child. The chest pains didn't go away; however the fear of dying did. And with that the pains became more tolerable. Only God and the faith of God could create such a miracle.

I could never deny God for the sole reason that this world is far to beautiful and complex to have evolved apart from a supernatural power. The question is which religion is true, i have conducted what i believe to be a unbias search through the major religions and i have arrived at the conculsion that Christianity is the exclusively true faith.

I believe in God because every day again I feel that he guides me. I pray, meditate and talk to my Spirit Guides which I know are sent by God. Every night again they give me dreams which explain things to me when I am confused, depressed, unhappy ... I once had a very powerful experience where I saw them and spoke to them. What I saw was the most beautiful bright light I have ever seen. I am sure God exists. If there wasn't any God, there wouldn't be any life, because all life has its roots in Love.

i have a mind that can think. i have eyeballs that can see, even in color. my eyes can even zoom at different distances. i have ears that can hear. i have a mouth that uses teeth and a tongue to control the words that come out (i can speak). I have a tongue that has these things that have taste buds which allows me to enjoy my meals. i have feet and hands, which without them, how would i type what i am THINKING, and how would i walk? thank God that we have 206 vital bones which do different functions, my arm can bend at the elbow, my wrist can bend, and the humerous and that other bones allow me to twist my arm. I have teeth, that without them, i couldn't chew my beef jerky which i love so much. i have a penis, and without one, i couldn't pee or get a woman pregnant which is necessary to continue life. i have nails, and without them, i couldn't scratch myself when i itch. i have a butthole, and without one, i couldn't poop and if you can't poop, all the food would accumulate in your intestines and stomach which would over flow in your body and you would die. i have a neck which allows me to turn my head left and right. my knees bend, and if they dont, i would have trouble walking. my brain controls my body and without a brain, the body is useless. the body is irreductibly complex, and no evolutionist can convince me that my ancestor is a blob of amoeba. how can blind chance majestically control the laws of nature and accidentally assemble a pair of tits? or a penis and vagina? impossible. there is a God and he's so powerful, i think the non believers are just jealous.

i love God. he is my rock and my shelter. there are so many times that He has protected me. i may not be very eloquent, but i will try. my best friend has attempted suicide a few times, but he never succeeded. one day, he passed out and started having seizures after marching in band. on the way to the hospital, he died (legally and clinically) for about 2 minutes. he is much better now. God has protected him through all these times. I believe in God, his son Jesus, and in the power of the Holy Spirit. Only He can give you the peace that passes all understanding. God bless you all.

this is more of proof that satan exists. but that kinda means God exists too. well, one time, i was angry at God for some reason I don't recall now. but anyway, I was thinking maybe satan was only said to be bad in the bible because God feared people would revolt against Him. but anyway, i asked satan to come talk to me. (I was a real idiot) I told satan that I was considering taking his side. I told him that this was my soul we were talking about. well, that night, I was in my bed. from the hall, which is right next to my room, I heard "someone" call my name. I know I didn't imagine it, its just one of those things, but i told satan to "go away!", and that I was no longer blinded by my anger. Since then, my faith in God has increased. but I still don't like church (i'm only 14 by the way, and I don't do drugs) I think church should be more like a religion class or something. it shouldn't be so formal.

I've been critical of the details my entire life. Just ask yourself what is real, and do not deny what you hear inside. It will set you free from this hurting world. Get out of the world of lies, it goes no where.

I beleive in God and would never question my faith. He gave to me the greatest gifts possible. He gave the gift of life and love! The love of my family, the love of my husband, the love of my dog. The ability to feel loved and to give love! You may think that this is not as miraculas as some of the stories that are posted here but I believe it to be very significant. I do not need an out of this world experience to tell me that he is here and he is watching over me. I have my love for him and I can feel his love for me. That in itself is Divine and Precious.

It's just NOT possible that the whole universe has been here forever, someone must have created it and that someone must be god.

i was playing bingo with my friends ... and i prayed to god to let me win. and i won! My life has totally changed and I'm a new person now.


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