god proof

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My lamp keeps on coming on by itself.

I have no proof, only questions and many of them. I am Twenty-nine years old and only remember one time that I have questioned my faith in God. That time is when I was young and had a puppy that I named Comet, the puppy was very small and very young and soon after I took her home became very ill. She had an illness from which she could not be saved. It broke my heart to watch her die, and I stayed by her side until the very end, and that is when I asked why? I must state that I do not believe in religion, but I do in God. I do have faith, but I also have many concerns. I am not looking for any signs and wish not for proof of his divine existance, I have my faith for proof and need no other form. Why must we all cry over the death of loved ones and not celebrate their return to their creator? Surely we will miss them and long again for their touch and their words, but this is not forever. Life is short and soon we will all be together in the kingdom of Heaven. Why must we all long to be weathly, and famous? Again our time on earth is a mere drop in the bucket, and out death is an eternity. We should all try to live our lives as clean and as good as we can. Instill the fear of God upon ourselves. So that when it is our time we can enter the Kingdom of Heaven and be at peace for eternity. In the bible it states that a camel has a better chance of fitting through the eye of a needle than a rich man does of getting into heaven. It also says that when one prays to God that he should make it simple and short, for God already knows what you need before you ask for it. So why then do we continue to struggle for more and more, and we kill for it and we cheat for it and we steal for it. The Meek shall inherit the earth. Still no one wants to be meek and we all find ourselves wanting for more and more and more. We have become selfish. Not seeing the good he gave us and destroying it all around us. I have so much more that I could say, but let me not be the judge, we only have one judge, and he sees all! He knows all and he will determine what will be our sentence!

This sounds crazy, but it's the truth. God exists, because when my pregnant wife and baby son were killed by a drunk driver, during my mourning I bargained with God to bring them back, promising to be ever faithful and so on, if he could perform this one miricle. I begged and cried and prayed that I just wake up and it be a bad dream, then I was in a similar accident and in a coma for a few months. When I came back from sleeping, I hadn't forgotten my name or even the accident. I was just surprised I had been out of it for SO LONG, and the fact that I had no major or disabling injuries. A lot of my friends and my family and my wife's family were there when I came to, which when I learned I had been asleep for so long, i wondered had they all been thinking that this is the day he'll come around, or had they all been there the whole time? It turns out that day as I floated in and out of conciousness, my wife was giving birth to our little girl, which explains everybody being at the hospital. I was in so much disbelief and amazment, not sure if I had died and this was my heaven, or if my prayers were divinly answered. My daughter's name is Angel Emmanuel ... and she is almost a year old. I'm still not sure if this is all an illusion, but if you can read this, at least one of us knows.

My cat, Nic had disappeared and it was the fourth day he had been gone. I told God that if he brought my baby boy (I love my cat a lot) back that I would make sure I would pray more and read my bible no matter how long it took. A few hours later Nic showed up. I'm working on the praying and stuff, but I WILL get better at it!

i saw a girl - a complete stranger - in the disco and fell in love with her ... but didn't do anything. the next two days i prayed to meet her again and on the third one, i met her again in another disco! now she's my bestest girlfriend!!!!

almost 20 yrs ago i lost my dear friend and brother-in-law to cancer i prayed and prayed he still died i guess i either got angry or i didn't believe but 2 yrs ago i met someone who said she could talk to God spirits etc i thought sure anyway i had a baby 3 weeks before the death of ronnie and he had asked to watch the delivery my husband declined and i always felt bad but never mention thru this women he sent a mess that he is with God and not to feel bad he wasn't there for the birth of my first he was there for the birth of my sec 10 years later no one knew this i now believe in the miracle of heaven angels and God

If your heart shutters and your body cringes at the name Jesus it is time to find him. My sister passed on to Heaven when I was 13 years old. I was a stubborn child who insisted that if GOD existed, then he wouldn't have ended such a life that could've helped this world. The night my sisiter passed she came to me hovering over my feet. As i struggle to sit up, I realized I cannot move. She soothed me with grace and without words relayed to me that she has moved to a place of devine being. I still was reluctant to believe until Christ saved the soul of one of my best friends, one of the evilest men I'd known. Christ spoke to him and brought him salvation as well as requesting that he bring others unto the light. He now preaches in a massive house of the Lord in Detroit. He Brought me there assuring that God would not reject me. I prayed that Christ would take me as I did believe through my experiences. I gave myself to the Lord & as the Bishop asked if anyone needed to be saved, I looked up at the massive cross and Jesus brought me to him. I have experienced many great things in my life, none comparing slightly to that moment on September 19, 1999. He lives. He Loves. He is waiting for you just to believe ... Give GOD a chance & I promise, you will never be alone again!!! Thank God Everyday.

i saw a grey haired old man. must be.

See the following URL for the discovery of the world's first true SCIENTIFIC PROOF OF GOD:
I need all the help I can get with this. Please email me at: ghammond@mediaone.net

Sorry, but I really question his existence. Think of the world without the idea of God. Same thing, minus the religious channel and church.

i saw a grey haired old man who looked like him. must be.

About 8 years ago I had a severe stomach ulcer from taking large amounts of anti-inflammatory pills because of severe headaches I was having. So what ended up happening was that I was losing blood everyday from the ulcer, after losing blood for over a month, I started becoming very weak and had dizziness when I would stand up. Finally one day I was so weak that I had to take over a minute to stand up to keep from passing out, and my face was starting to swell. Finally I went to the Hospital, because I just knew that something was terribly wrong with me, I wasn't even aware I had been losing blood. I get to the Hospital and explained the symptoms I was having, so they took a blood count, and then told me that I had lost over 70% of my blood, And told me that they could not even believe that I was still alive, and couldn't believe that I drove myself to the hospital. Then I was given 2 pints of blood, and told that I still could die, But here I am still here, alive and well 8 years later. Though the blood given to me saved my life, I know for a fact that it was GOD who kept me alive until I recieved the extra blood. It was my prayers during the time before I went to the Hospital and my prayers while I was at the Hospital that kept me alive. To this very day I tell Doctors and others what happened, but many of them say that it is impossible to live with that much blood loss. I guess that those people don't know that with GOD, anything anything is possible! Jesus Christ is LORD!

I can't really say anything that will make all of man believe me from what I know, all I know is that the existence of all of the specific entities that roam on earth had to form from a cause. In causality, something has to be caused to move, be born, etc. what I believe, is that God (the unseen) had purposly hid himself away from man, because man has to search for the truth. Even if some of man chooses to accept evolution as a basic theory of our existence. God the creator I've come to find out knows what we will think, and if man chooses not to believe in his existnce, this is apart of the plan, because there will always be people who will accept a better truth, even if its evolution or materialism. I've come to know God through reason for cause, reason for non-living objects outside the realm of earth to move. Sometimes the thought of God is not always far-fetched in thought.

God exists, but that doesn't mean you should get lazy and depend on him only.

Don't go searching for god in what you see, but in what you are. :)

You can feel him tugging at your heart.

Dallas, Texas, 1998. The company in El Paso changed their mode of business thereby requiring only 25% of their former workforce and I was one of the ones let go. I'm now a contract programmer working through a consulting firm, just a glorified employment agency that finds me hourly positions and pays my salary. I've been out of work for two months and can't seem to find a position no matter what I do. I pray to the Lord in desperation, "Please, you've got to help me. I have several people that depend on me financially. I can't go on with this. I have no one else to turn to." Again His Spirit comes upon me which is His way of telling me He'll fix my problem tomorrow. Tomorrow comes and goes. No job. The following morning I pray, "Lord, I'm sure you told me two days ago that I'd have a job yesterday but I don't have a job. I don't understand." No response. I sit on the bench where I pray for half an hour, my head spinning, certain that He told me I'd have a job yesterday. The phone rings. It's my recruiter at the consulting firm. He tells me I've got a job! "Praise God," I say. The next thing he says almost floors me: "You actually had the job yesterday but the boss was too busy to call us!"

There is no god. People should take responsibility for their own actions and realize that they are in charge of their own destinies.

who knows all knows what they know? i don't know.

When I was first called into the ministry, I was at church one night and God spoke to my heart and told me to preach. I prayed in silence I said it would not be proper for me to preach as some one else was and I had never preached before. And in that silent prayer, I said, but God if the preacher asks me to preach, I will. A few minutes later the preacher came back to were I was sitting, he was very nervous, and said I don't want to embarrass you but God has spoken to me three times and told me to let you preach. That night I preached my first message, I soon started pastoring I have my own Church now for five years, and with all my heart I know that God is real as he has proven himself to me time and time again.

My father had a long trail of heart problems. After his 4th heart attack / stroke the doctors performed a tripple bypass - I prayed throughout the op, he pulled through and is doing very well - I know had it not been for God it wouldn't have ended up this way. Also I prayed for my old cat everytime I went to visit her at my moms, she died on 26-01-2001. Liesa was 20 years 1 month old when she died, thanks to the grace of God.

When I think of how I prayed for a way to make $20,000 each year to pay for college, take a full course load, and be able to have enough time to do the work in my classes, so that I could pass and learn enough to get my degree ... And now 4 years later I'm filling out the application for graduation with a 3.6 GPA.

When my son was born, after a year of trying to get pregnant, and when he first smiled at me like he knew who I was, I felt god smile on me too.


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